Career & Business, Self-Care

The Experience of Writing a Book

Writing a Book: The experience of writing a book as a non-trained author. The steps I took to get my book done.

Human Design General

Human Design 101 Toolbox

Your Human Design chart contains amazing information about you.  It shows how you make decisions that are correct for you and in alignment with your life. It shows you how you best use your energy and how you exchange energy with others and how you’ve been “conditioned” away from the truth of who you really… Continue reading Human Design 101 Toolbox

Career & Business, Human Design General

Is embodiment in your career path?

What should I be doing? This is a common question I hear from clients and friends. I don’t know if it’s the changes from the pandemic that are pushing people to make a change or if it’s the phase of life, I am in. I have gone over some other career ideas in other posts,… Continue reading Is embodiment in your career path?

Human Design General

Human Design and Saturn’s influence

Do you know how the planets in your Human Design chart affect your life? Or how their energy and lessons are more potent when they "return" at certain times?  Different planets re-align to the same position as when you were born at certain times in your life. They bring about different energies or lessons for you, and… Continue reading Human Design and Saturn’s influence

Career & Business, Human Design General

Business energy in your human design chart

Do you love business? Or maybe you have the energy for it and don't know it yet?   It may mean that you have some of the business gates or channels defined.  I've had business energy running through me my whole life and have known it since I was little. I found a notebook from childhood… Continue reading Business energy in your human design chart

Human Design General, Parenting

6 Ways to Empower Your Daughter with Human Design

As Moms, we want what’s best for our kids, and we try to protect them. Sometimes we hold on too tight. What if we focused on empowering them, especially our daughters? Our Moms fought for the right to have a career outside the home. We fight for the balance required to try to do what… Continue reading 6 Ways to Empower Your Daughter with Human Design

Career & Business, Human Design General

Are you a healer by design?

Your Human Design chart can tell you about career tendencies. Find out if you might have 'healer' energy in your chart.

Human Design General

The Real Reason You’re Stuck

We have many excuses for why we are stuck, but are any of them really true? I want to talk about what is going on. What’s weighing us down? We are operating based on conditioning, not necessarily what we truly desire. What is conditioning? It’s the beliefs or ‘shoulds’ that modern society, your ancestry or… Continue reading The Real Reason You’re Stuck

Human Design General

Navigating Your Human Design Journey

Human Design is not always the easiest thing to conceptualize. Then, when we begin to understand in our minds, it can be even more difficult to put it into practice and begin the experiment in real life. An example came to me— a metaphor for the journey. This is the Human Design Road Trip. As… Continue reading Navigating Your Human Design Journey

Human Design General, Self-Care

How to bust through fear

As women, we are trained by society to follow the rules and not make a scene. But if there’s a change you want to see in your life — you’ve got to be bold and disruptive.  You’ve likely spent a better portion of your life with a mask on – so when you start peeling… Continue reading How to bust through fear

Human Design General, Self-Care

Aligned Decision Making Clarity

Stop doing what you think you should AND start caring about how you feel.

We live in a world of unlimited choices. It seems like a good thing, but it’s really hard sometimes.  We mostly make decisions with our mind and find ourselves off path. It’s important to communicate with your body to make decisions that are right for you.

Human Design General, Self-Care

The #1 best self-care

The power of no I know there have been movies about how wonderful it would be to say “yes” to everything that comes our way. I think we took that to heart and now live our lives with so much that it’s hard to handle. Self-care has become yet another thing women are expected to… Continue reading The #1 best self-care

Human Design General, Self-Care

5 Ways to love yourself

Do you love yourself as easily as you love others? In American society we set aside one day a year to celebrate love and it focuses on showing others we love them.  But what about loving on yourself?  There’s no day for that, and no one else can do it for you. When you feel… Continue reading 5 Ways to love yourself

Human Design General

Your True Superpowers and Human Design

Being a mom gives you superpowers for doing stuff you don’t want to do: This mindset actually holds you back. As a mom there are some things you must do that you don’t want to - but wearing your ability to do them anyway as a badge of honor will get you into trouble. Whether… Continue reading Your True Superpowers and Human Design

Human Design General, Self-Care

Do you feel anchored or like you are blowing in the wind?

Learn what grounds you in your Human Design chart – it might surprise you It’s hard to be in the current world and not feel like you are like a balloon or kite blowing in the wind. Feeling grounded can give you the anchor to deal with it all. It nourishes you, like it does… Continue reading Do you feel anchored or like you are blowing in the wind?