Human Design General

Human Design 101 Toolbox

Your Human Design chart contains amazing information about you.  It shows how you make decisions that are correct for you and in alignment with your life. It shows you how you best use your energy and how you exchange energy with others and how you’ve been “conditioned” away from the truth of who you really… Continue reading Human Design 101 Toolbox

Human Design General

Intro to Incarnation Cross

The first thing we tend to learn about when we discover Human Design is our type. Then, our strategy for making decisions and our authority. Next, our profile. Once we’ve learned about these elements of our charts, what’s next? We can look into our gates and channels to better understand the consistent archetypes we are… Continue reading Intro to Incarnation Cross

Human Design General, Self-Care

Essential Oils by Design for Manifesting Generators

At the end of the day, the Essential Oil that you are drawn to is the right one for you! If you’re looking for a place to start, however, read on to learn which oil might be best for you based on the different aspects of your Type. You can also check out the best… Continue reading Essential Oils by Design for Manifesting Generators

Human Design General

12 Human Design Profiles

When we combine the 6 lines we learned about in [PART ONE], we get 12 different profiles. Each line flavors the other so as to make its own archetype in and of itself. If you have a smaller number first (1, 2 or 3 lines), you have a personal karma in this lifetime, and a… Continue reading 12 Human Design Profiles

Human Design General

Human Design Profile – The 6 Lines

There are 12 profiles in Human Design. You can find your profile either in the information section of your body graph or by finding the conscious and unconscious sun in the list of planets (the first planet). Take the conscious (black) line first, and the unconscious (red) line second. It’s the smaller decimal point after… Continue reading Human Design Profile – The 6 Lines