Career & Business, Self-Care

The Experience of Writing a Book

Writing a Book: The experience of writing a book as a non-trained author. The steps I took to get my book done.

Career & Business, Human Design General

Are you a healer by design?

Your Human Design chart can tell you about career tendencies. Find out if you might have 'healer' energy in your chart.

Human Design General

The Real Reason You’re Stuck

We have many excuses for why we are stuck, but are any of them really true? I want to talk about what is going on. What’s weighing us down? We are operating based on conditioning, not necessarily what we truly desire. What is conditioning? It’s the beliefs or ‘shoulds’ that modern society, your ancestry or… Continue reading The Real Reason You’re Stuck

Human Design General, Self-Care

5 Ways to love yourself

Do you love yourself as easily as you love others? In American society we set aside one day a year to celebrate love and it focuses on showing others we love them.  But what about loving on yourself?  There’s no day for that, and no one else can do it for you. When you feel… Continue reading 5 Ways to love yourself

Human Design General

Your True Superpowers and Human Design

Being a mom gives you superpowers for doing stuff you don’t want to do: This mindset actually holds you back. As a mom there are some things you must do that you don’t want to - but wearing your ability to do them anyway as a badge of honor will get you into trouble. Whether… Continue reading Your True Superpowers and Human Design

Human Design General, Self-Care

Do you feel anchored or like you are blowing in the wind?

Learn what grounds you in your Human Design chart – it might surprise you It’s hard to be in the current world and not feel like you are like a balloon or kite blowing in the wind. Feeling grounded can give you the anchor to deal with it all. It nourishes you, like it does… Continue reading Do you feel anchored or like you are blowing in the wind?

Human Design General, Self-Care

Create healthy boundaries with a middle finger mindset

This post is about why you need to pop that middle finger up – metaphorically, of course. “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” -Brené Brown Brené Brown doesn’t talk about middle finger mindset, but I do. 😊 I am not trying to tell… Continue reading Create healthy boundaries with a middle finger mindset

Parenting, Self-Care

How to Liberate Mom Guilt

“I don’t care what others think, I care how I feel.” How to let go of expectations, including your own conditioned ones (aka mom guilt).  Mom guilt is a difficult topic for many women to dig into. The idea that “what you feel is much more important than what others think” is not the norm. … Continue reading How to Liberate Mom Guilt

Human Design General

We all have the same life purpose

The purpose of learning about Human Design is to learn, grow, find joy and to be abundant. You do this by being aligned with your true self and loving yourself for who you are. You may deliver your truth in a different way depending on what’s right for you, but living out your purpose doesn’t have to be as complicated or grandiose as you may have been led to believe.

Human Design General

Human Design Channels – Collective Circuit

Channels Part 3: The Channels of the Collective Circuit There are three types of circuitry in Human Design— Individual, Tribal and Collective. You can read more about circuitry here, or read about the channels of the Individual Circuit in Part 1 or the Tribal Circuit in Part 2 of this series. This post explores the… Continue reading Human Design Channels – Collective Circuit

Human Design General, Self-Care

Manage Your Energy with Essential Oils

One of the most basic ideas of Human Design is that you have an energy field (also called and aura). Our aura gives off a certain frequency and impacts the way we all interact with one another.  Most of us have gone through the majority of our lives without an awareness of what our energy… Continue reading Manage Your Energy with Essential Oils

Human Design General

How shock transforms and Human Design Gate 51

Earth just finished transiting through Gate 51 – the gate of initiation. If life “shocked” you a little during this transit, you are certainly not alone. Gate 51 is also called the gate of shock. If you have it defined, you may shock others regularly without realizing it, and others may shock you right back.… Continue reading How shock transforms and Human Design Gate 51

Human Design General, Self-Care

Essential Oils by Design for Projectors

At the end of the day, the Essential Oil that you are drawn to is the right one for you! If you’re looking for a place to start, however, read on to learn which oil might be best for you based on the different aspects of your Type. You can also check out the best… Continue reading Essential Oils by Design for Projectors

Human Design General, Self-Care

Essential Oils by Design for Generators

At the end of the day, the Essential Oil that you are drawn to is the right one for you! If you’re looking for a place to start, however, read on to learn which oil might be best for you based on the different aspects of your Type. You can also check out the best… Continue reading Essential Oils by Design for Generators

Human Design General, Self-Care

Essential Oils by Design for Manifesting Generators

At the end of the day, the Essential Oil that you are drawn to is the right one for you! If you’re looking for a place to start, however, read on to learn which oil might be best for you based on the different aspects of your Type. You can also check out the best… Continue reading Essential Oils by Design for Manifesting Generators