Human Design General

Human Design 101 Toolbox

Your Human Design chart contains amazing information about you.  It shows how you make decisions that are correct for you and in alignment with your life. It shows you how you best use your energy and how you exchange energy with others and how you’ve been “conditioned” away from the truth of who you really… Continue reading Human Design 101 Toolbox

Human Design General, Parenting

6 Ways to Empower Your Daughter with Human Design

As Moms, we want what’s best for our kids, and we try to protect them. Sometimes we hold on too tight. What if we focused on empowering them, especially our daughters? Our Moms fought for the right to have a career outside the home. We fight for the balance required to try to do what… Continue reading 6 Ways to Empower Your Daughter with Human Design

Human Design General, Self-Care

Aligned Decision Making Clarity

Stop doing what you think you should AND start caring about how you feel.

We live in a world of unlimited choices. It seems like a good thing, but it’s really hard sometimes.  We mostly make decisions with our mind and find ourselves off path. It’s important to communicate with your body to make decisions that are right for you.

Human Design General, Self-Care

Marie Kondo Your Energy Field

Have you read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up? Watched Marie Kondo bring that Life-Changing Magic to life on Netflix? I love Marie Kondo’s work and she says it best, “The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.” Most of us have cluttered energy fields.… Continue reading Marie Kondo Your Energy Field

Human Design General

We all have the same life purpose

The purpose of learning about Human Design is to learn, grow, find joy and to be abundant. You do this by being aligned with your true self and loving yourself for who you are. You may deliver your truth in a different way depending on what’s right for you, but living out your purpose doesn’t have to be as complicated or grandiose as you may have been led to believe.

Human Design General

Intro to Incarnation Cross

The first thing we tend to learn about when we discover Human Design is our type. Then, our strategy for making decisions and our authority. Next, our profile. Once we’ve learned about these elements of our charts, what’s next? We can look into our gates and channels to better understand the consistent archetypes we are… Continue reading Intro to Incarnation Cross

Human Design General

Decision Making Authority and Human Design

In your Human Design chart, two of the most practical and life-changing elements are following the decision-making strategy for your type and learning to tune in to your authority. To learn more about each of the types and their strategies, please read here. or check out the Guidebook for your type. There are seven different… Continue reading Decision Making Authority and Human Design

Human Design General

Understanding your life through the 5 Human Design Types

Every single human is one of the types. Human Design brings together principles of Astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system & Quantum Physics to create a distinctive system that acknowledges and celebrates the uniqueness in each human - no two charts are alike. Human Design is a beautiful tool for self-awareness. We have… Continue reading Understanding your life through the 5 Human Design Types